Percentage Calculator

Basic Percentage

% of
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Percentage Change

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Please enter a valid number

Find Original Value

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Please enter a valid percentage

Quick Reference

Fraction Decimal Percentage
1/4 0.25 25%
1/3 0.333... 33.33%
1/2 0.5 50%
2/3 0.666... 66.67%
3/4 0.75 75%

Understanding Percentages and Their Calculations

What is a Percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. The word percentage comes from the Latin 'per centum', meaning 'per hundred'. For example, 45% means 45 out of 100, or 45/100. Percentages are used everywhere in our daily lives, from discounts and taxes to statistics and data analysis.

Types of Percentage Calculations

1. Basic Percentage Calculation

To calculate a percentage of a number:

  • Convert the percentage to a decimal (divide by 100)
  • Multiply this decimal by the number
  • Example: 15% of 200 = (15/100) × 200 = 0.15 × 200 = 30

2. Percentage Change

To calculate percentage change:

  • Subtract the old value from the new value
  • Divide by the old value
  • Multiply by 100
  • Example: Change from 100 to 150 = ((150-100)/100) × 100 = 50% increase

3. Finding Original Values

To find an original value before a percentage change:

  • For increases: Divide the final amount by (1 + percentage/100)
  • For decreases: Divide the final amount by (1 - percentage/100)
  • Example: If 120 is a 20% increase, original value = 120/(1 + 0.2) = 100

Common Uses of Percentages

  • Shopping and Sales: Calculating discounts and price changes
  • Finance: Interest rates, tax calculations, and investment returns
  • Education: Test scores and grade calculations
  • Business: Profit margins, growth rates, and market share
  • Statistics: Population changes and data analysis

Tips for Working with Percentages

  1. Convert to Decimals: When calculating, convert percentages to decimals for easier math
  2. Use Benchmarks: Remember common percentages like 50% (half), 25% (quarter), 10% (tenth)
  3. Check Reasonableness: Always verify if your answer makes sense in context
  4. Round Appropriately: Consider how many decimal places are meaningful for your situation

Why Percentages Matter

Percentages are crucial in many aspects of life:

  • Making informed financial decisions
  • Understanding statistics and data
  • Comparing relative values
  • Tracking progress and changes
  • Analyzing trends and patterns

Common Percentage Conversions

Percentage Decimal Common Use
100% 1.0 Whole amount
50% 0.5 Half
25% 0.25 Quarter
10% 0.1 Common tax/tip
1% 0.01 Base unit