Heart Rate Based Calorie Burn Calculator
About Heart Rate Based Calorie Burn
This calculator estimates calories burned during exercise using your heart rate data. The calculation takes into account:
- Average heart rate during exercise
- Personal factors (age, weight, gender)
- Exercise duration and intensity
- Activity type and metabolic factors
Note: This is an estimate based on general formulas. For more accurate measurements, consider using a fitness device with heart rate monitoring capabilities.
Heart Rate Zones
Zone 1 (50-60% MHR):
Warm-up / Recovery -
Zone 2 (60-70% MHR):
Fat Burning -
Zone 3 (70-80% MHR):
Aerobic -
Zone 4 (80-90% MHR):
Anaerobic -
Zone 5 (90-100% MHR):
Maximum Effort
Tips for Accuracy
- Use a heart rate monitor
- Maintain consistent effort
- Stay hydrated
- Update weight regularly
- Consider environmental factors